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Logging Out & Back In

If you have any questions, Click
the blue chat on the bottom right

Step 1.

On the Home screen, select the Settings (Gear) on the right

Step 2.

Select Applications

Step 3.

Manage Installed Applications

Step 4.

AfordableTV Pro

Step 5.

Clear data

Step 6.

Clear data (again)

Also, Clear Cache

Step 7.

Click Launch application

Step 8.

Click Login.

Step 9.

Click Account Login

Step 10.

For name put anything

For Username and Password, use login info provided in Setup email

Step 11.

You will now see this screen.

Wait a few moments as the playlist is processing.

Step 12.

You will now see this screen.

Click Done. Put the remote down and wait a few minutes.

Step 13.

You will now see this screen.

Please wait…

Step 14.

You will now see this screen.

Please wait…

Step 15.

When you see this screen click OK. 

Step 16.

You will now see this screen.

It is very important that you do not click anything and let the information load. (There are thousands of channels)

This can take up to 5 minutes!

Step 17.

Once info is loaded, Click the left button on the remote to switch categories.

Select Channel to make full screen.

Step 18a. 

When on a channel, Press select button on remote. Scroll Down


Step 18b.

Scroll all the way to the right and select Settings

Step 18c.

Select General

Setp 18d.

Turn on ‘Confirm exit by second press Back’


Exit by pressing back button on remote twice

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If you need to use a different phone number click back.


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